Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fajitas, 'Ritas, and Recs

On Wednesday, July 29, CAKD will be having its annual reference and chapter support meeting. It will take place at the home of Angela Plymale (25 Kanis Creek Place, Little Rock 72223) at 6:30pm.

We are asking that each person bring a bag of fun-sized candy bars for the chapter care packages, a personal note for the chapter, and a side item for the Fajita bar. You can sign up for the side on facebook, the evite, or by emailing Rachel at centralarkansaskd@hotmail.com.

RSVP by July 27 to Rachel or on the evite. Non-CAKD member Kappa Deltas are welcome to come and eat/drink for $8. CAKD members are free with 2009-2010 dues payment (you can still join-$35 active, $20 mailings only).

To view the evite go to: http://www.evite.com/app/publicUrl/UQCVAWHYOQCHVEQGNJOA/CAKDJuly09

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