Monday, February 1, 2010

February Newsletter 2010

February Girl Scout Event
Our Girl Scout committee has been brainstorming this past month on an activity for our February Girl Scout event, and is currently talking with local troops to see how we can best be of service. We’ll post the date and time of this February event ASAP.

March Shamrock Event
CAKD has decided to do a shopping event at White House Black Market for our 2010 Shamrock event on March 7th. Appetizers will be served, and 10% of all total sales for the shopping party will go to Prevent Child Abuse America’s, a KD philanthropy, projects and services. We will have Pinwheels for Prevention for sale for $1 each, and feel free to invite your non-KD friends (especially if they love to shop at White House Black Market) to this community service event!

March Business Meeting / Elections
According to chapter bylaws, March is the month for CAKD’s annual business meeting and elections. The nominating committee will present their slate of officers in the March 1st newsletter, and then an election will take place at the Annual Business Meeting to be held Monday, March 15th. Please make plans to attend and make your voice known. An Installation ceremony will follow immediately after the business meeting. An  Open Board Meeting (officer training / 2010-2011 planning meeting) will take place in April, with the Annual Mailing stuffing party in May.

Other Important Things
Nominating Committee – Kristi Callaway, CAKD Parliamentarian and Chair of the Nominating Committee, and Cristina Easterling are beginning the process of nominating the 2010-2011 CAKD Executive Board Members. They are looking for 9 leaders in our group. If you would like to nominate yourself, or any other member, for any of the 9 positions, please contact Kristi at or Cristina at (see below).

In February, the Nominating Committee will be soliciting applicants for the CAKD Executive Board positions:
President, VP-Membership, VP-Public Relations, VP-Community Service, VP-Programming (formerly social chair), VP-Collegiate Relations (Chapter Support and Reference Coordinator), Secretary, Treasurer, and Panhellenic Delegate. Please begin considering if you may be able to fill one of these positions. Position Descriptions are available through this e-mail, and on the CAKD Google Groups Page.

Information for CAKD Annual Reporting – There are several questions in the Annual Reports to KD HQ that require YOUR participation. Please let me know if you do any of the following by March 1, 2010:
o Are you involved in your local community (PTA, church, Junior League, community service, etc)?
o If involved in the community, do you hold any leadership positions? If so, what are they?
o Did you provide any KD chapter assistance this year? How much time and money, and if or if not it was CAB / House Corporation related? Please send this information to Rachel at

Membership Drive – Our annual membership drive will start in May and continue until October, when we will put together the CAKD 2010 Directory. We will offer several different levels of membership this year from $10 Teddy Bear Dues to $50 Diamond Dues. Please consider joining us as a dues paying member in 2010-2011.

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